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Cooperation with the auto industry

Due the globalization of sales, current and future trends will promote companies that are able to flexibly adapt their assortment to the needs of their customers.

Understanding and implementing this strategy is primarily important in the B2B platform - i.e. wholesale sales where maintaining regular client is much cheaper than acquiring new client.

Automothive shops are currently looking for opportunities for sales other products that those constituting the basic product groups , phone accessories - especially those used in cars are one of the most interesting propositions.

Practically evey car user owns and uses a phone, therefor a natural group of products worth extending the range of products are phone accessories.

As a company with 20 years of experience in the gsm (B2B) industry, we have appropiate knowledge of GSM products market and this allow us to support our new customers both as the stage of selecting product for the offer as well as at the stage of marketing, advertising and serching products for specific custommer orders.

We treat each client individually, we try to respond with our offer for the needsof the recipient, but we are also open to cooperation ideas present to us by clients.

Let your buissnes develop in new directions, gain new custommers and new market areas with us.

We invite representatives of the automotive industry to cooperate with us.

The year 2021 is a chance for your and our mutual success!

More information of our products: B2B platform sales

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